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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Author Michael Stadther Releasing Codes To Unlock Treasure Hunt

New York Times bestselling author, Michael Stadther, announces that he will release clues that will lead to breaking the unsolved code in his worldwide treasure hunt, Secrets of the Alchemist Dar which contained clues to win 100 diamond rings worth $2,000,000.  His first book, A Treasure's Trove, also led to a hunting and puzzle-solving frenzy where 14 families and groups looked for and found gold tokens hidden around the United States. The hunters were rewarded by redeeming the tokens hidden by Mr. Stadther for over $1,000,000 in real jewels on the TV morning show Today with Katie Couric.
The second treasure hunt ended in 2007 when Mr. Stadther's company, A Treasure's Trove, was forced into involuntary bankruptcy ending the hunt which, had it continued, would have ended in 2009. Nonetheless, the codes in the book were never solved even though thousands of people around the world worked alone and collaborated together over the internet. Even today, many 'Trovers,' as they are called, try to decipher the mysterious sun and moon symbols in the book with parts written in a language called 'Hest.'
Mr. Stadther has issued previous hints to the code saying: 'Hest is English' and 'Anyone who can read English can read Hest.' But now he is promising to release frequent clues until the code is deciphered. Even though there is no possibility for someone to win a ring, Trover's are still interested in knowing a solution to their hard work.
Many of the secrets in his latest book have been discovered, such as the title, Secrets of the Alchemist Dar, which anagrams into 'The Secrets of Michael Stadther'. Yet, the mysterious Hest has not been de-coded.

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